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Specifically, the study diagnosed the extent exam which devout establishments provided both tangible food, safeguard, economic counsel and intangible spiritual assist for storm survivors. Interview questions associated exam the church buildings’ primary assets of investment for these activities were also covered Cain and Barthelemy, 2008. The 2nd project was exam help cross campus survey of 5 Gulf Coast area schools and departments of social work in four states. The study tested social work students’ reactions examination and skill examination cope with the aftermath of the hurricanes. Specifically, the study focused on social work scholars’ faith, faith, and spirituality; outdated stressful experiences; altruism; volunteer activities all over and after the hurricanes; social work values; and commitment examination the profession. This study was initiated by exam help social work researcher external the Gulf area who had carried out prior stories with social work students associated exam the terrorist assaults of 9-11, 2001.
